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July 2024

The market for good Mk1 MX5s is still strong and the last few cars I have had in, have sold before I have even had chance to advertise them. I'm aware that my website may make things seem quiet but I can assure you they are not! As usual, its finding good cars that is becoming more and more of an issue. I'd happily sell Mk2s but 90% of them are too rusty for me But I have had a few Mk3s through the doors recently. A good one is a very nice thing to own and drive and I expect to offer a few more of these in the coming months.

As a result of the high work levels, over the last couple of years I have changed the way I work. I used to bring all cars back to my place in Berwick where they were prepared for sale but these days, I find it more time efficient to have the cars prepared at another location in conjunction with an MX5 specialist who knows the cars inside out. They take care of all the stuff I just don't want to do (the bigger jobs such as replacing clutches, suspension rebuilds, paintwork etc). The cars are probably about 90% ready by the time they get here and I can carry out final checks, take care of the smaller jobs and fine details ensuring the cars drive as they should and are up to my standard. Its a system that works very well but it means that cars may be in two different locations so I would urge you to call before you visit. It also means that I am increasingly having to plan much further ahead as I buy cars that may not be available for sale for 6 or 8 weeks.

With work being a bit full-on, I have had less time to get involved in hillclimbs and sprints so far this year. Instead, I'm using my cars to attend local driving events and meetings which has been good fun. I'd still like to enter a few events if I can though as they are still very good fun. You can read about my previous attempts at motorsport by clicking on 'My Hillclimb Exploits' on this website.

As ever, I'm still using Facebook to give regular and quick news updates so please check out my pages on there: there are links on the 'Links' page here.
